Global trade is responsible for invasive species introductions and spread worldwide. Explore insights from various industries and the education and collaboration need to prevent the spread.
News & Events
Webinar: Fragile Coasts of Antarctica
Come on a journey to Antarctica! Join the Polar Alien Hunters and learn how ship activity connects Antarctica to the world and how to stop invasive species becoming a problem.
Webinar: Wild Pigs – A Threat To The Canadian Pork Sector
Wild pigs are considered one of the most destructive invasive species in North America. For Canadian pork producers, they are a worry for reasons beyond the damage they do to farms and ecosystems.
Community Voice
Community Spotlight: Taylor De Zilva Creates Connections with Nature
Taylor explores the power of communication and personal connection as when learning about and protecting biodiversity.
Webinar: Understanding People and Communicating with them About Invasive Species
By understanding people and their activities, we can develop more effective approaches to change their behaviour and prevent the spread of invasive species.
Webinar: Implications of Climate Change for Invasive Species
Explore how climate change influences invasive species, as well the work of the Regional Invasive Species and Climate Change networks that are bringing together researchers and practitioners to address this challenge.
National Invasive Species Awareness Week
Join us in celebrating National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) this February 28- March 4, 2022!
Webinar: Removing the Target – Giving Relational Consideration to Invasive Species by Applying an Indigenous Worldview
Explore how the application of Indigenous research methodology to invasion biology reveals new insights into species assessment and ecological restoration in the context of a changing climate.