Invasive Species Council of British Columbia

Invasives 2025 Video Submissions

Please send us a short video (30 seconds to one minute max) that we can share during the Forum and/or on our social media channels.

Videos will be edited together to celebrate our 20th anniversary at the Forum, and clips may be used on our social media. Hold your smartphone sideways, record the video, pop it in the file upload field below, and we’ll take care of the rest! Please submit your video by Friday, Feb. 7th.

Video submissions portal

Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Please upload your video files using this portal. Make sure you rename the files in this format: AuthorName - VideoName, Date. Example: John Doe - Feral Pigs, Jan 24, 2025. Please note: The maximum allowed file size is 4GB. Please compress your video files before submissions.