The Invasive Species Council of BC and British Columbia Lake Stewardship Society (BCLSS) invites you to join us for an aquatic invasive species webinar! This will cover aquatic invasive species, identification of high-risk species, best practices for prevention and how to report these aquatic invaders.
This webinar will most benefit boaters, marina and tourism operators, anglers and recreationalists!

About the presenter: Calvin Samis has been with ISCBC as the Tourism Resource Coordinator for the past year. He is an avid fisherman with a passion for protecting the great outdoors for our enjoyment and connection with nature. He holds an HBs of Outdoor Recreation, Parks and Tourism from Lakehead University and has also spent time as a forest firefighter with the Ministry of Natural Resources in Ontario. Calvin is the direct link between ISCBC and the tourism industry in BC. He works to develop programing to foster awareness and action in the tourism industry, to protect BC’s natural resources from the impacts of invasive species. He works within ISCBC’s Invasive-Wise Tourism and Invasive-Wise Marina programs and the new Invasive-Wise Angler program.