In any spray application, the proper calibration of equipment is required to ensure that the correct rate is applied. This is necessary to ensure good pest control and to avoid contamination of sensitive environments. In industrial pest management, pesticide sprays are often applied with various boomless sprayers for which calibration techniques are not well documented. Such sprayers currently include knapsack sprayers, hose-and-reel sprayers, and tractor-mounted boomless sprayers, and may include drone sprayers in the future. This session will identify the tools needed to calibrate a boomless sprayer, the ways to determine the size of the treated area, the time necessary to treat it, the resulting application rate, and an assessment of the uniformity and accuracy of the job.
Tom Wolf
Owner, Agrimetrix Research & Training
Tom Wolf is a spray application specialist, based in Saskatoon. He grew up on a farm in Manitoba and studied agriculture at the University of Manitoba (BSA, M.Sc.) and the Ohio State University (Ph.D.). Tom has 35 years research experience in spray technology, starting with AAFC in 1989 for 23 years and now as a private consultant. With Jason Deveau, Tom hosts and writes for the world’s number one sprayer website, He is a past president and Fellow of the Canadian Weed Science Society and has been named Distinguished Agrologist with the Saskatchewan Institute of Agrology.
This webinar is approved in British Columbia and Alberta for one Continuing Education Credit (CEC) in the Application Technology category. To qualify for the credit, you must participate in the webinar including the quiz at the end. Please contact with any questions you may have.
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