Invasive Species Council of British Columbia

Volunteer Spotlight: Lauren Letham

Published March. 24, 2020

Lauren has been volunteering with the Kamloops Youth Team since October 2019. Lauren is passionate about preventing the spread of invasive species and in her spare time she enjoys participating in weed pulls and creating environmental artwork to help inspire others to stop the spread of invasive species.

What inspires you to take action?
Wanting to make a difference in the environment inspires me to take action. Environmental biology has always been an interest of mine both in University and in everyday life, so being able to learn about and control invasive species in my city is really awesome!

What do you enjoy about volunteering?
I enjoy volunteering because the experience is unlike any other. While volunteering with ISCBC I not only get to learn, but I also get to play a role in helping out the community.

What would you say to a potential volunteer?
My advice to any potential volunteer is just say yes! You’ll never regret saying yes to an opportunity like this as the experiences you gain are so valuable and different from anything will learn in school. 
