Invasive Species Council of British Columbia

ISCBC Celebrates Giving Tuesday

This November 30, ISCBC is celebrating Giving Tuesday by inviting our friends and supporters to join us in protecting BC’s biodiversity from invasive species.

The Giving Tuesday movement began in 2012, encouraging people to reflect and create positive action amidst the hyper-consumerist Black Friday season. The global day of giving has since spread worldwide, inspiring generosity and gratitude. This Giving Tuesday, ISCBC is asking our amazing supporters to work collectively towards a sustainable and resilient province.

Invasive species have a variety of environmental, social, and economic impacts on our communities. Together, we can stop the spread of invasive species and increase ecological resilience in British Columbia.

Our youth volunteer network inspires us to take action to prevent invasive species through sustainable behaviours daily. Over 400 youth across BC provide essential on-the-ground invasive species removal in habitats and urban spaces, engaging with local communities to restore essential ecosystems. See what youth say about why volunteering to protect BC’s biodiversity from invasive species matters to them:

I was inspired to take action when I realized just how big of an impact invasive species can make on the environment.

Joey, ISCBC youth volunteer

I enjoy volunteering because the experience is unlike any other. While volunteering with ISCBC I not only get to learn, but I also get to play a role in helping out the community.

Lauren, ISCBC youth volunteer

Volunteering with Invasive Species Council of BC has given me the opportunity to enrich my knowledge and to be more confident to speak out and educate others about native and invasive species.

Jennifer, ISCBC youth volunteer

You too can have a significant impact on invasive species response in British Columbia.

  • For every $100 donated, one more class of students becomes part of our Invasive Wise Education program.
  • For every $250 donated, we can facilitate a community event to engage with locals and remove invasive species from habitats near you, together.

Join us and commit to a biodiverse British Columbia free of invasive species by:

Download the ISCBC themed Giving Tuesday Instagram story and share with the hashtags #GivingTuesday and #BCinvasives to get the word out!

Download Giving Tuesday Instagram Story.
