Scotch broom
Scotch broom is toxic to livestock.
About This Species
Scotch broom (English broom) is an escaped garden plant introduced from Europe that easily invades sunny, disturbed sites such as rangelands, roadsides, and areas of recent logging. Scotch broom can increase the intensity of wildfires, obstruct sightlines along roads, and crowd out native plants that animals depend on. A mature plant can live up to 25 years and produce seeds that can survive in the soil for 30 years. Scotch broom is designated as a Regional Containment/Control species by the BC Provincial Priority Invasive Species List.
How to Identify
Scotch broom is a shrub that grows from 1-3 m in height. Stems are woody, rigid and five-angled.
It has bright yellow pea-like flowers, that sometimes have red markings in the middle.
Lower leaves have three leaflets, while the upper leaves are singular.
Take Action
Prevention is the best approach.
- Scotch Broom Factsheet PDF
If you need advice about invasive species on your property or you are concerned about reported invasives in your local area, contact your local government or regional invasive species organization.

Learn about best practices

Learn about best practices
A few non-invasive alternatives to plant instead of Scotch broom include:
- Prickly rose (Rosa acicularis var. sayi)
- Shrubby cinquefoil (Dasiphora (Potentilla) fruticosa)
- Forsythia (Forsythia hybrids)
- Deciduous yellow azalea (Rhododenderon luteum))
- Japanese kerria (Kerria japonica ‘Pleniflora’)

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