Red swamp crayfish
About This Species
Red swamp crayfish (Louisiana crawfish, Mudbug) are native to the Mississippi river drainage and the Gulf of Mexico. It is not yet present in BC. They are omnivores and can tolerate a wide range of water conditions, making it easy for them to spread to new environments. If they were to establish in BC, they would damage local ecosystems by feeding on aquatic plants and invertebrates, competing with native species for habitat, and could spread diseases to native crustaceans.
Red swamp crayfish prefer warm, shallow, slow-moving water, but can live in rivers and streams. Red swamp crayfish are designated as a Provincial EDRR species by the BC Provincial Priority Invasive Species List.
How to Identify
Red swamp crayfish are 5.5–12 cm long when full grown. Their body is dark red and the claws, head, and mid-body segment are covered in small red bumps.
Take Action
Prevention is the best approach.
If you need advice about invasive species on your property or you are concerned about reported invasives in your local area, contact your local government or regional invasive species organization.

Don't Let It Loose
Learn about best practices
Invasive species are plants, animals or other organisms that are not native to BC, and have serious impacts on our environment, economy and society. Never release your plants and animals into the wild or dump aquariums or water garden debris into rivers, streams, lakes or storm sewers!

Clean, Drain, Dry
Learn about best practices
The Clean Drain Dry program empowers you to help reduce the spread of invasive plants and organisms to BC waters by following the clean, drain, dry procedure on all watercraft and equipment.

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