Invasive Species Council of British Columbia
Grade: 9 to 12
Duration 3 or more hours
Indoor / Outdoor

Sampling Biodiversity in the Schoolyard 

Math, Science

Students will conduct field investigations using a quadrat area study method to analyze the abundance, density, distribution, and biodiversity of plants growing in their schoolyard.…
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Grade: 4 to 7
Duration 30-75 mins
Indoor / Outdoor

Turtle Trouble

Math, Science

Bring Science, Physical Education and Math outdoors with this active game to learn about the essential components of a habitat and simulate how invasive species…
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Grade: 4 to 7
Duration 45mins - 1.5 hours
Indoor / Outdoor

Stop the Spread Freeze Tag

Math, Science

In this active game of tag, students learn the importance of early detection and rapid response to stop the spread of invasive species. Explore how…
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