Published July 13, 2021
Japanese Beetle Identified in Vancouver
Through trapping and surveillance, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has detected the first Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) in flight this year. Adult beetles typically emerge from the soil and begin to fly once temperatures are consistently above 21°C. Vancouver residents are reminded to be on the lookout for Japanese beetles and report any suspect sightings.
Treatment Update
The coordinated Japanese beetle response program will once again use BeetleGONE! (Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae) in its management plan. BeetleGONE! is a foliar biological insecticide being used as part of the Japanese beetle eradication program in British Columbia. The active ingredient, Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. galleriae or BTG, is a naturally occurring soil bacterium that is toxic to beetles in the Scarab family. To find out more about BTG and its usage please see the new BeetleGone! Q&A from the BC Ministry of Agriculture.

Japanese Beetle and Community Gardens
Japanese beetles are a serious invasive insect that damage ornamental, horticultural and agricultural plants. Movement restrictions are in effect for soil and plant material within the Regulated Area to help prevent the spread of Japanese beetles. While there are no movement restrictions within the Regulated Area for fresh fruits and vegetables grown for consumption, here are some best practices gardeners can follow to help avoid accidentally spreading this invasive pest:
- Give harvested produce a good shake to dislodge any hidden beetles.
- Thoroughly wash produce free of soil.
- Complete a good visual inspection of the fruits or vegetables prior to moving them off-site.
Read the Japanese Beetle and Community Gardens factsheet for more information.

Report Trapped Japanese Beetles
Traps for Japanese beetle are available from several retailers in the Lower Mainland. If you think you have caught a Japanese beetle, take photos and report online via the web form or the Report Invasives mobile app. You can also report suspect Japanese beetles to CFIA by calling 604-292-5742 or to