Invasive-Wise Education
Calling all educators!
Engaging people of all ages is key to protecting BC’s amazing biodiversity by preventing the spread of invasive species.
- Are you interested in inspiring learners to contribute to community and care for the environment?
- Looking for curriculum-linked, place-based activities connecting to nature but don’t know where to start?
- Need help planning an invasive plant pull or local action project?
Look no further, Invasive-Wise Education is here! We can help you organize your lesson and connect you with local experts.
Join the free Invasive-Wise Education Program to receive:

- Personal support from our Education Team to help you navigate resources and integrate invasive species into your teaching plan
- A virtual class presentation with fun games and Q&A for students to learn about invasive species
- Bonus gifts for you and your learners when you share your photos and feedback with us!
Sign Up for the free Invasive-Wise Education Program
Explore Activities On Your Own
Not sure where to start?
Our “Pathways to Invasive-Wise Education” gives you suggestions on where to start, how to select an activity and build a unit for your students!
REady to view activities?
Browse our activities and find the perfect fit for your lesson plan!
Invasive-Wise Education in Action
What educators have to say about their students learning about invasive species:
I absolutely loved all the learning that was going on…the kids being so excited to learn about invasive species and wanting to clean up our [school] yard, protect our area and keep it pristine.
Clare, Principal, Tatla Lake Elementary School
I loved how very authentic the experience was. It was so local in its content and with the current emphasis on outdoor and Indigenous learning, it was a perfect fit with my grade 4 curriculum for both science and socials. The students were super engaged.
Rebecca, Grade 4 Teacher, 150 Mile House
What really let me know that the students had learned about the importance of doing their part to prevent the spread is that before we went to leave the area, they reminded each other to check for any burrs and make sure they didn’t have any stuck to them – they even did burr checks on each other.
Kristen, K-3 Teacher, Kootenay Discovery School