Who We Are
The Invasive Species Council of BC is a registered charity and non-profit society that is making a difference in the lives of people across British Columbia.
ISCBC is a dynamic action-oriented organization, helping concerned stakeholders work together to stop the spread of invasive species in BC. We lead efforts encouraging people, businesses, government and industry to adopt simple practices that can make a huge impact in preventing the introduction and spread of invasive species.
Healthy landscapes and communities free of invasive species.
To take action to build healthy landscapes, including habitats and communities, through education and responsible practices to prevent the spread of invasive species.
The Invasive Species Council of B.C. gratefully acknowledges the territories of the Indigenous Peoples of B.C. where we live and work to maintain healthy ecosystems for all.
Board of Directors
Our hard-working directors and committee members bring perspectives from all walks of life to help us achieve our vision.
The Invasive Species Council of BC’s Board of Directors is selected by our membership at the Annual General Meeting. Directors on the Board represent one of three Chambers; government, community or business and industry. Within each Chamber, the Board strives to have the representation of a diverse range of background interest areas.

Nadia Chan, Chair
Nadia Chan has over 20 years of experience working in urban forestry. She is currently the Manager, Trees and Landscapes with the City of Surrey’s Planning and Development Department. Nadia is a Director with the Invasive Species Council of British Columbia, the Pacific Representative for the Canadian Urban Forestry Network, and the Chair of BCIT’s Forest and Natural Areas Management Program Advisory Committee.

Jonathan Holmes
JJ is the Operations supervisor and safety officer with Lower Nicola Indian Band Development Corporation based in Merritt, BC. When it comes to invasive species, JJ fulfills many roles, including educating and coordinating training for employees to become Certified Pesticide Applicators. JJ works with a wide variety of organizations and First Nations communities to increase awareness of invasive species impacts. With lots of boots on the ground, he is keen to promote is stewardship of the land and protection of food sources and medicinal plants. Away from stewardship, JJ is actively involved in the local Minor Hockey league.

Sarah Nathan
Environmental conservation
Sarah is a Registered Professional Biologist and the Provincial Manager of Conservation Programs in BC for Ducks Unlimited Canada. Her work includes seeking new ways to protect wetlands in BC by controlling invasive plants such as Yellow flag iris, Reed canary grass, Russian olive and Himalayan blackberry, and preventing the establishment of invasive animals such as the American bullfrog. Sarah is passionate about developing solutions to conservation problems that incorporate the concerns of a wide range of people, while ensuring a high degree of acceptance and success.

Eamon O’Donoghue
Environmental conservation
Eamon O’Donoghue grew up in Toronto and has lived in northern B.C. for 33 years. He worked for various ministries with the BC Public Service for 32 years, starting as a Park Ranger with BC Parks and retiring as the Associate Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Forests. Eamon oversaw BC Wildfire and chaired the Task force on Emergencies that just released its recommendation to address the growing threat of wildfire in April 2024. Eamon lives on a 160-acre property with his wife and children, is a builder who mills his own wood for construction projects, makes cheese and yogurt from the sheep he raises, and grows 10 different varieties of potatoes. His favourite hobby is collecting and restoring axes. Eamon usually works on the farm during his holidays, but he did snorkel in Hawaii this year. His favourite place to explore is Ireland.

Scott Pearce, Secretary
Business & Industry
Scott has been involved in the nursery industry for 40 years, with a diploma in Landscape Horticulture from BCIT and experience working in both the wholesale and retail nursery trades. Scott has been a partner in GardenWorks, with ten garden centre locations, since 2007. His responsibilities include plant purchasing, merchandising and marketing. GardenWorks has been working with ISCBC for the past 12 years, involved in the PlantWise and Grow Me Instead programs.

Dan Tisseur
Business & Industry
Dan is a Senior Environmental Advisor for Enbridge. He spent a decade as a freshwater biologist working for an environmental consulting firm with assignments throughout BC. Dan has a BSc in Natural Resource Management, a MSc in Environmental Practice, and is a Registered Professional Biologist. His work gives him great insight into industrial perspectives related to invasive species management and he has a great appreciation for the diversity and sensitivity of the various habitats across BC which could be threatened by the impacts of invasive organisms.

Steve Thomson, Vice Chair
Business & Industry
Steve has a long record of service to the community and of working on behalf of BC ranchers and farmers. He represented Kelowna Mission as the MLA from 2009 to 2020 and served as Minister of Agriculture and Lands, Minister of Forests, Lands and Natural Resources and Rural Development. Steve is the former executive director of the BC Agriculture Council. He has served with the BC Fruit Growers Association, the BC Milk Producers Association, as the President of the Kelowna Chamber of Commerce and as a director of the Kelowna Museum. Steve loves sports and is dedicated to his family.

Sophie Dessureault
Sophie is the Integrated Pest Management Coordinator for the Vancouver Park Board. Working in this role since 1997, she develops and implements policies and procedures to deal with the various pest problems found in the city’s many facilities, parks, and plantings. Most recently her responsibilities have included managing projects such as developing the Vancouver Park Board’s Invasive Species Management Strategy and completing a city-wide invasive plants species inventory.

Val Miller
Val Miller is the Provincial Invasive Plant Officer for the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development and the chair of the BC Inter-Ministry Invasive Species Working Group. Based in Nelson, she works with a team of Invasive Plant Specialists and technicians to address invasive plant challenges on public land. A registered professional agrologist with a B.Sc. in Range Management from the University of Idaho, Val has been actively working in invasive plant management and biological control projects in British Columbia for over 30 years.

Jennifer Robertson, Treasurer
Business & Industry
Jennifer is a registered Professional Biologist with over 30 years of environment consulting and energy utility experience in BC. She spent 15 years in the field as a Fisheries Biologist on small and large scale projects across BC. Many of the fish and fish habitat enhancement projects that she was responsible for involved invasive species management. Her current role is Director, Sustainability & Environment at FortisBC where she leads a team of environmental and sustainability professionals for the organization. Her team provides corporate environmental oversight for the organization including aquatic and terrestrial resource management and vegetation management.

Joanne Sales
Environmental conservation
Joanne is the founder and Executive Director of Broombusters Invasive Plant Society. Joanne started with a group of 10 volunteers in Qualicum Beach in 2006 (and coined the now very popular name Broombusters.) She has been organizing, educating and promoting the control of Scotch broom ever since. Now there are over 600 volunteers cutting broom over 6000 hours each year in 14 municipalities and districts from Vancouver Island to the lower mainland. Joanne and her family are active organic blueberry farmers on Vancouver Island.

Jennifer Psyllakis
Dr. Jennifer Psyllakis is the Acting Assistant Deputy Minister of the Resource Stewardship Division within the B.C.’s Ministry of Water, Land & Resource Stewardship. She has worked for the Province of B.C. for almost 20 years in various capacities advancing new natural resource sector laws, policies and strategies, and associated program areas. She is passionate about collaborative approaches to advancing solutions for complex issues affecting wildlife and ecosystems. Jennifer was born in Kitimat and has lived in various communities throughout B.C. Jennifer holds a B.Sc. in Wildlife Management from McGill University, M.Sc. in Biology from University of Regina and a PhD in Natural Resource Management and Environmental Studies from the University of Northern British Columbia.

Terry Peters
Environmental conservation
Terry is a 32-year career firefighter, retired from his last position as Fire Chief/Director of Emergency Services for Powell River, B.C. While living in Australia for a year in 2005 on a Firefighter Exchange, he founded the International Association of Firefighters Global Alliance. Terry’s other career accomplishments include being a part-time Paramedic for the B.C. Ambulance Service and Deputy Sheriff for the B.C. Sheriff Service. Terry is a member of his local Invasive Species Board for the Powell River/qathet Region, and a local coordinator for the Powell River/qathet Broombusters. He is an avid fan of rock concerts, motorcycles, and travelling with friends and his wife of 36 years. He is a family man, with three children, two grandchildren, and a 12-year-old dog named Holden. Terry’s favourite pastimes include his 1969 Chevelle, fishing, and hunting.

Dave Ensing
Dave is a research scientist with Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada in Summerland, BC, where together with a team of technicians and graduate and undergraduate students, his research program focuses on the ecology and evolution of invasive plants and their biological controls. He has studied invasive plants of priority to BC since his undergraduate studies in 2010, (BSc. Hons, UBCO, 2011) and has since completed his MSc (Biology, UBCO, 2013) and PhD (Biology, Queen’s University, 2019) where he studied the evolutionary ecology of species range limits, or why species occur where they do, and not where they don’t. This research background is well placed for understanding the range expansions of invasive species. When not at work, Dave enjoys mountain biking, backcountry camping and keeping invasive plants out of his yard with his family!

Loren Muth
Loren has served as an elected Councillor for the Ch’iyaqtel (Tzeachten) First Nation in Stó꞉lō territory for the past eight years. Throughout his career, he has championed various initiatives focused on food security, environmental stewardship, clean energy, waste reduction, local and post-secondary education, and community health. His global travels have fostered a deep appreciation for the interconnectedness of the natural world. Loren holds a Bachelor of Science degree and is a Professional Agrologist. He is dedicated to enhancing food security and environmental stewardship while promoting holistic health, emphasizing the vital connection between people, land, nature, and food for overall well-being.
In addition to his council role, Loren actively works to improve Indigenous leadership and participation across various sectors. He serves as an Executive member of the S’ólh Téméxw Stewardship Alliance (STSA), represents the Indigenous Education Council (IEC) for School District 33, and acts as the First Nation Health Council representative for the Fraser Salish Region, which includes 32 communities. He also holds a position with the Emergency Planning Secretariat. In his spare time, Loren is an avid gardener, hobby beekeeper, and outdoor enthusiast. He enjoys giving presentations on mason bees at local garden centers, tending to his hobby farm, and managing a small apiary of up to 30 hives.

Grahame Gielens
Government (Provincial)
Grahame Gielens is originally from the Lower Mainland and now resides in Pinantan Lake, just outside Kamloops. Since joining MOTT in 2017, Grahame has served as the Environmental Roadside Manager, overseeing MOTT’s invasive species management program and providing expertise in vegetation, reclamation, and erosion and sediment control. Prior to this role, he worked as an environmental consultant for five years.
Grahame holds an MSc from Simon Fraser University, where his research focused on the ecology of pollinators. Outside of work, he enjoys spending time on his hobby farm with his wife and animals. He is also an active member of the Pinantan Lake Volunteer Fire Brigade.

Christine Gelowitz
Business & Industry (Natural Resources)
Christine is Chief Executive Officer of Forest Professionals British Columbia (FPBC), a regulatory body that governs the professional conduct of 5,400 forest professionals licenced to practice professional forestry in British Columbia. Christine has over 25 years of work experience in the BC provincial government and non-profit sector. She has worked as an executive leader since 2011; a strategist specializing in the development of policies and the delivery of programs related to forestry, natural resources, and professional regulation. Christine is at ease in work environments with ambiguity and complexity; able to drive decisions, nurture alignment and connection for important change.
Growing up in Saskatchewan, Christine moved to northern BC in 1994 and immediately fell in love with ‘Super Natural British Columbia’. Inspired by her surroundings, she went on to earn a Bachelor of Science in Natural Resource Management and continues to hold active registration as a Registered Professional Forester (RPF). When she isn’t working Christine can be found on Vancouver Island with her family enjoying the lake, a forest trail or ski hill – or inside a hockey rink.

Karen Brandt
Business & Industry (Natural Resources)
Karen Brandt is a communications and government relations professional who has a passion for sustainability and for the past 30 years she has held a number of senior positions in the public and private sectors where she has built common positions and partnerships with First Nations, environmental groups, customers and governments. She was born and raised in Winnipeg Manitoba and holds an honours Bachelor of Journalism (minor Political Science) from Carleton University in Ottawa. She is currently Senior Vice President Public Affairs & Partnerships with Mosaic Forest Management.
Everyone working with the ISCBC team, from our Executive Director to our volunteers, brings their enthusiasm to our work.